Friday, March 7, 2014

Picture Frame Message Pad

This is also a gift for my college friend J.  Since we are both graduates of UA I couldn't resist the houndstooth ribbon…. along with a $1 picture frame and $1 note pad from the Dollar Tree I think this made a super cute and inexpensive gift.

I started with the $1 picture frame and removed the matting and the frame separating the glass from everything else.

Since I opted to use ribbon as the background I needed 4 strands of it to cover the entire glass front.  You can't really tell from the picture but I laid the glass over the ribbons to ensure I had the right width and length.

This particular ribbon is wire-edged…. and because I needed to mod-podge the ribbon to the glass the wire needed to be removed.

Ribbon is relatively easy to mod-podge… but the wire is NOT!

Once the wire was removed… I used mod-podge to adhere the ribbon to the glass front frame.  I used a coat of it on the glass front… adhered the ribbon… then made sure to add another coat of mod-podge on top of the ribbon INCLUDING the ends!

I allowed it to dry completely before moving on to the next steps.

Once it was completely dry I used some scissors to snip the ends… because the ends of the ribbon were mod-podged (from the previous step) they didn't fray, tear or frazzle after being cut…. which can be common with fabric.

I used hot glue to adhere the back of the picture frame to my glass/ribbon mod-podge.

For the finished project I made a bow and super-glued it to the frame and then used velcro to attach the note pad.  If you decide on making this project make sure your frame and note pad are the appropriate sizes.  They don't necessarily need to be the EXACT same size…. personally, I prefer a slightly bigger frame.  However, picture frame sizes and notepad sizes tend to be completely different!

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