Sunday, June 22, 2014

Save A Lost Candle Wick & Make Your Own Candle

I love candles.  I like the way they smell, the way they look and especially the subtle light they add to a room.  So, I'm reluctant to get rid of them just because the wick has burned down too far.

This is a common problem for me.  The wick burns down the center and before long it's buried underneath the wax.

I used a spoon (and at times a butter knife) to slowly chip away the wax above and around the wick until the wick was visible and far enough above the remaining wax to light with a lighter.

(This picture doesn't exactly show the visible wick but you can tell by looking I've slowly been chipping away at it.)

Once I have the wax cleaned out from around the wick .....I take the wax I chipped away.....
And put it in a microwave safe container...

Microwave a few seconds at a time, it will start to look like this until the wax is fully melted

And now it's fully melted.....

Work quickly and place a wick in the bottom of whatever you want your candle in... (I put chapstick on the bottom of the wick to 'stick' it to the glass candle holder)

Pour the melted wax into your container...(the pink stuff you see is the chapstick I used to set the wick in place).

And... because I'm lazy, clearly I'm not going to hold the wick in place until the wax is dry... hence the fork... and because it kept sliding on the granite surface... I steadied it with a pot holder

And Finally!... the finished candle!  Just trim the wick and there you have it.  Another useful candle made with recycled wax from the candle with the burned down wick!

And here's the candle with the lost wick which is now back in action.

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